Wilma Hayes

Author’s Page

Private research has resulted in three non-fiction books: 'Honouring W L Hayes MC, World War I 1915 - 1919', 'Honouring Pte. Ernest S Cecil, 1915-1919' and ‘Robert G H Johnson 1893 - 1917 The Mystery’. These are limited editions, published privately.

‘William L Hayes, World War One Dairy' was also published as a comprehensive website (www.williamhayes-ww1-wardiary.co.uk).

Writing groups taught me how to write

2000 word assignments every time!
Bravely breaking that mould, I wrote four novels set in the Welsh Marches: 'Freeing My Sisters', 'Things I Haven't Told You', 'Red Snow' and 'The Word Garden'.   A fifth may follow, depending on how enthusiastic I feel about it. (PS It’s almost finished!)

Returning to short stories but with more substance, I produced a collection of seven short stories on a single theme. Naturally they became seven sets of seven. Whoever thought that writing forty-nine short stories was clever, needs a long rest in a dark room and a glass of wine. Naturally I  didn't, and All Kinds of Sevens' - seven short novellas were published as e-books.

Seven Deadly Sins - Four People Behaving Badly, Very Badly

Seven Ages of Man - A Family Gathering. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Seven Ancient Wonders - Remarkable People Surviving World War 2 - Each in Their Own Way

Seven Days of the Week: Friends Receive an Invitation That Changes Their Lives

Seven Sisters - Women and Murder

Seven Dwarfs - An Incompetent Board of Directors

Seven Colours of the Rainbow - Women’s Suffrage - Warriors All.

They were fun to write and amazingly, Seven Days of the Week was short listed for a Novella Prize!!!  All are available as e-books through your usual retailer.

War Diary

Wilma Hayes has escaped twice!

A native of western Canada, I fled to England in 1985 to avoid snow and harsh winters. The memory of them has been useful in my writing, but I have no wish to experience them again!

I am a Professional Home Economist, educated at the University of Saskatchewan (Saskatoon) and had a career in the profession in Canada for several years. Once in England I worked in state and public schools as Bursar until I finally escaped to the countryside in 1996. So far nobody appears to have missed me!

My passion for writing is ably supported by a view of a cottage garden in the Welsh Marches and my wonderful husband bringing coffee.